SEPTEMBER 7: Rollinsford Town Hall Tour

UPDATE! Response has been so enthusiastic, we have added second tour at 10 am!

On Saturday, September 7, the public will have a rare opportunity to take a guided tour of the auditorium on the upper floor of Rollinsford’s historic Town Hall in the company of historian Peter Michaud.

Constructed in the Queen Anne style in 1893, the Rollinsford Town Hall was the first of four town halls in the state designed by noted New Hampshire architect Alvah Ramsdell, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In addition to town offices, the building also housed the police and fire departments, and provided classroom space for village schoolchildren.

The spacious auditorium boasts a balcony and a stage, and was once the scene of town meetings, theatrical productions, dances, and social and sporting events.

FREE to all! Pre-registration is required.
The tour is sponsored by the Association for Rollinsford Culture and History (ARCH). While there is no charge for the tour, space is limited and pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, send an email to

SATURDAY: September 7, 2019 at 9:00am (filled) and 10:00am

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