September 24: Beer Brewing at the Wentworth House

Beer Brewing at the Wentworth House

“Beer is a good family drink.”
Lydia Maria Child,
The American Frugal Housewife, 1828
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The hops in the Wentworth House garden are ripening and our neighborhood brewers are ready to get to work!

Beer was an essential beverage in early America. Did you know that one reason the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock was because they were running out of beer? Beer and ale were staples of the colonial diet and everyone – men, women, and children – partook. Beer was often brewed at home, and harvest time meant that the barley and hops needed to brew beer were ready and the storehouses could be replenished.

DATE: Saturday, September 24
TIME: 1:00-4:00 pm
COST: $5, free for ARCH members and children.

The hops in the Wentworth House garden are ripening and our neighborhood brewers are ready to get to work! Join them while they brew Colonel Wentworth’s ale and discuss brewing processes both old and new. Tours of the Wentworth House will also be available.